
Hans and Michael Radio is an "old-fashioned radio broadcast podcast" created and founded by Hans Kelsen (me) and Michael Molinar. We originally began making the show in October 2009, first under the name "Hans Anthony and Michael Radio" and then under the name "Hans And Michael Radio" (both abbreviated to "H.A.M. Radio".) Out of the 12 episodes originally written, only 9 were finished and they basically abandoned the show for a while due to difficulties (Michael moving, school, etc.). However, we restarted production a while ago under the original title (H.A.M.).

The show features Michael and I as fictional versions of ourselves. They are radio hosts as well, only they live in retro-future New York, 2052. They run a very popular show called "The Nifty Show" straight form Carrow Studios in Manhattan. But when their beloved show director is kidnapped, it's up to them to save him, wherever he may be! And the rest you can find out by just listening to the show.